The 99 Best Movies

Forum Cinema Paradiso


Saturday, April 25, 2020

Anthology of short films. Part 86.

Anthology of short films. Part 86.
 The new issue of Anthology of Short Films number eighty six. Today in this issue will be 10 mini-films of various countries and eras. The content of the films is absent, let it be a surprise in this difficult quarantine time.
1. Ballet for Boys.
USA, 2001.
2. En el espejo del cielo.
Mexico, 1998.
3. Mitaka Sumo School. HD.
Spain, 2017.
4. Sidewalkers.
USA, 1999.
5. Första klass. Episode 4. HD.
Sweden, 1978.
6. Sweet Tooth. HD.
USA, 2018.
7. Mala svetlost.
Yugoslavia, 1966.
8. Restart. HD.
Lithuania, 2020.
9. Taram Tarambola. HD.
Belgium, 2014.
10. Byens bad.
Norway, 1952.
Download Anthology of short films. Part 86.
Anthology of short films. Part 86.
Anthology of short films. Part 86.
Anthology of short films. Part 86.
Anthology of short films. Part 86.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bo. 2010.

Bo. 2010.
 Bo is a 2010 Belgian film directed by Hans Herbots based on the novel Het engelenhuis by the Belgian author Dirk Bracke. It tells the story of a fifteen-year-old girl, Deborah (played by Ella-June Henrard), who, in an attempt to escape from the triviality of her life in the suburbs of Antwerp, becomes involved in high-end prostitution.
Fifteen year old Deborah wants to escape her dull suburb and enjoy the luring city of Antwerp. Her new eighteen year old friend Jennifer leads her into the sparkling downtown nightlife. When Jennifer admits she's an escort girl, Deborah is intrigued by what appears to be an easy way of getting cash. Under the alias Bo, she takes her first steps into a world she can't handle yet. The downward spiral leads her to cheap thrills, drugs and into a juvenile institution. To escape this spiral, Deborah can only count on herself.
Director: Hans Herbots.
Cast: Laura Ballyn, Peter Bastiaensen, Mia Boels, Pierre Callens, Jana De Kockere, Bartholomeus De Meirsman, Stefaan Degand, Ina Geerts, Ella-June Henrard.
Belgium, 2010.
Language: Russian (Flemish, Dutch).
Download Bo. 2010.
Bo. 2010.
Bo. 2010.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Exit 7. 1978.

Exit 7. 1978.
NL. Exit 7 is het verhaal van Marc Dumont, een veertiger die alles heeft om in deze moderne tijd een gelukkig man te zijn. Hij heeft een goede baan als architect, een lieve charmante vrouw, twee kinderen, een mooie woning buiten de stad. Hij beschermt zijn gezin tegen de problemen van de samenleving, maar is zelf tegen die problemen niet meer opgewassen als hij een aantrekkelijk jong Pools meisje ontmoet met wie hij een verhouding krijgt. Deze verhouding, die nogal stormachtig verloopt, doet hem pas echt goed nadenken over zijn situatie. Op het moment dat hij denkt de oplossing gevonden te hebben, stapt hij met zijn vriendin in een vliegtuig dat gekaapt wordt. Dan beginnen de problemen pas echt...
EN. A 40-year-old architect begins to doubt his role as a father in a world sliding into decadence. When he meets a young Polish girl he runs off with her to Rhodes. His psycho-moralistic angst is presented in a series of flashbacks when the hijack of his airplane forces him to take stock of his life.
Director: Emile Degelin.
Cast: Janine Bischops, Paul Codde, Guido De Belder, Peter Faber, Laura Gemser, Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieslak, Johanneke van Kooten, Fred Van Kuyk, Mieke Verheyden.
Netherlands, Belgium, 1978.
Language: Dutch.
Exit 7. 1978.
Exit 7. 1978.

Friday, April 17, 2020

L'été de nos quinze ans. 1983.

L'été de nos quinze ans. 1983.
 L'Eté de nos quinze ans est un film français réalisé par Marcel Jullian et sorti en 1983.
François, un petit garçon de cinq ans dont le père, André, tient un restaurant à Deauville, fait une fugue en compagnie de Malène Dupuis, la fille d'une célèbre cantatrice. Les deux enfants se réfugient dans le commissariat de la ville où leurs parents angoissés les retrouvent avec soulagement. Dix ans plus tard, François, devenu adolescent, atterrit par hasard en parachute dans la propriété des parents de Malène. Les deux jeunes gens se retrouvent le temps d'un bal puis se séparent lorsque les parents de Malène décident brusquement de partir pour la Camargue. François décide alors d'accompagner son père et son épouse pour retrouver la jeune fille. Tandis qu'André organise une corrida en l'honneur de Malène, cette dernière manque de se noyer dans le Rhône, avant d'être sauvée in extremis par Luc, un élégant jeune homme, qui aura une aventure avec sa propre tante. François et Malène se retrouveront à Pans où la jeune fille accordera enfin un premier baiser à son soupirant…
Director: Marcel Jullian.
Cast: Michel Sardou, Cyrielle Clair, Malène Sveinbjornsson, Alexandre Sterling, Henry Courseaux, Bernard Alane, Alain Doutey, Elisa Servier.
France, 1983.
Language: French.
Download L'été de nos quinze ans. 1983.
L'été de nos quinze ans. 1983.
L'été de nos quinze ans. 1983.

Little Red / Resurrection Ferns. 2012. HD.

Little Red / Resurrection Ferns. 2012. HD.
 This film is a dark contemporary make of the classic tale 'Little Red Riding Hood'. A young runaway girl travels across the country to meet her grandmother. However, little does she know that something dark and beastly is stalking her. The young girl realises that she is not only fleeing from her past, but something more than that. She struggles to survive and save herself across her journey.
Director: Tate Bunker.
Cast: Libby Amato, Mark Metcalf, Hannah Obst, Paige Bunker, James D. Bennett, Linda Cieslik, Flora Coker, Carey Daniels, Dawn Davis.
USA, 2012.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Little Red / Resurrection Ferns. 2012.
Little Red / Resurrection Ferns. 2012. HD.
Little Red / Resurrection Ferns. 2012. HD.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. DVD.

Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. DVD.
 HU. A rendező gyermekekkel játszatja el a madáchi drámát. A szabad, elvadult természetbe helyezett látomásszerű, a látvány szintjén is egymáshoz kapcsolódó bibliai és történelmi színekben a gyermek Ádám a gyermek Luciferrel végigjárja a tudás megszerzésének történetét, az emberiség történelmét. A Paradicsomból való kiűzetéstől kezdve a történelmi korokat, az egyes korokon belül a haladásnak, a virágzásnak, a hanyatlásnak fázisait a tézis-antitézis-szintézis dialektikája szerint élik át, csak a helyszín állandósága mond ennek ellent. Az eszkimóvilág után önmagát elpusztítani akaró Ádámot a gyermek Éva szavai megállítják: az emberben él az esély a folytatásra. Az Úr szavára felfelé tekintő gyermekpár mögött azonban ott a Halál.
EN. The Annunciation (in Hungarian: Angyali üdvözlet) is a Hungarian film directed by András Jeles in 1984, based on The Tragedy of Man (1861) by Imre Madách.
This is a surreal account of the history of humanity as portrayed entirely by children between the ages of 8 and 12. The film begins with the biblical story as Adam (Péter Bocsor) and Eve (Júlia Mérö), are deceived by Lucifer (Eszter Gyalog) -- three very photogenic leads - into tasting the "Forbidden Fruit". They are thus chased out of the Garden of Eden by the Angel of Death and, in a vision, sent on an existential journey through western European history.
Always followed closely and influenced by the deceptively sweet, but contemptuous Lucifer, we follow Adam through The Plague, wars, Byzantium's wretched cripples, the French Revolution, the squalor of Dickensian London, and a final return to the scene of the crucifixion. Of course the picture makes a case for its premise - that of the consequences of Original Sin -- yet does so in a very unique way. In the closing scene, Lucifer says, "Why did I strive to achieve greatness in man, who knowlege a pygmy, in blindness a giant?" This reflects the somewhat nihilistic view of a nation still under the boot of Soviet communism.
This rare movie may be one of the best (and only child-starred) art films ever.
Director: András Jeles.
Cast: Peter Bocsor, Julia Mero, Eszter Gyalog, Gyorgy Belme, Robert Borok, Attila Dobay, Evelin Feher, Reka Gevai, Ferenc Foltanyi, Mariann Kaposi, Laszlo Jenei, Monika Olah, Katalin Kohler, Attila Racz, Andras Papp Takacs.
Hungary, 1984.
Language: Hungarian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984:
2 parts archive:
Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. DVD.
Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. DVD.

Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998. DVD.

Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998. DVD.
 A better version of this movie has been found, DVD9.
Hideous Kinky is a 1998 drama directed by Scottish director Gillies MacKinnon. Based on Esther Freud's semi-autobiographical 1992 novel of the same name, it follows a young English mother who moves from London to Morocco with her two young daughters in the early 70s. The film stars Kate Winslet and French-Moroccan actor Saïd Taghmaoui. The soundtrack mixes original music with songs from the 60s, including tracks from Canned Heat, Richie Havens and the Incredible String Band.
Hideous Kinky is the story of two sisters (seven and five years old) traveling with their hippie mother from London to Morocco. They encounter many adventures, new experiences, and interesting culture as they tag along on their mother's search for freedom and love. It is told through the eyes of the youngest girl, and we learn her observations on life, Mum, and determined sister, Bea.
Director: Gillies MacKinnon.
Cast: Kate Winslet, Bella Riza, Saïd Taghmaoui, Carrie Mullan, Pierre Clémenti, Abigail Cruttenden, Ahmed Boulane, Peter Youngblood Hills, Amidou, Michelle Fairley.
UK, France, 1998.
Language: English, German, Russian, French, Arabic.
Interviews (English, German).
Behind the scenes.
Download DVD Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998:
3 parts archive:
Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998. DVD.
Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998. DVD.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998.

Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998.
 Hideous Kinky is a 1998 drama directed by Scottish director Gillies MacKinnon. Based on Esther Freud's semi-autobiographical 1992 novel of the same name, it follows a young English mother who moves from London to Morocco with her two young daughters in the early 70s. The film stars Kate Winslet and French-Moroccan actor Saïd Taghmaoui. The soundtrack mixes original music with songs from the 60s, including tracks from Canned Heat, Richie Havens and the Incredible String Band.
Hideous Kinky is the story of two sisters (seven and five years old) traveling with their hippie mother from London to Morocco. They encounter many adventures, new experiences, and interesting culture as they tag along on their mother's search for freedom and love. It is told through the eyes of the youngest girl, and we learn her observations on life, Mum, and determined sister, Bea.
Director: Gillies MacKinnon.
Cast: Kate Winslet, Bella Riza, Saïd Taghmaoui, Carrie Mullan, Pierre Clémenti, Abigail Cruttenden, Ahmed Boulane, Peter Youngblood Hills, Amidou, Michelle Fairley.
UK, France, 1998.
Language: English, French, Arabic.
Download Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998.
Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998.
Hideous Kinky / Marrakech express. 1998.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Misterul lui Herodot. 1976.

Misterul lui Herodot. 1976.
 Misterul lui Herodot este un film românesc din 1976 regizat de Geta Doina Tarnavschi. Rolurile principale au fost interpretate de actorii Silviu Stănculescu, Ernest Maftei, Melania Ursu.
Doi copii găsesc întâmplător o fibulă romană. Ei bănuiesc că aceasta face parte dintr-o comoară romană și se apucă să o caute singuri. Comportamentul lor ciudat îi intrigă pe prietenii și colegii lor de școală. În timpul căutării, din cauza condițiilor meteo, rămân blocați în apropierea vestigiilor romane pe care le-au găsit în timpul cercetărilor. Tot satul împreuna cu miliția se apucă să îi caute, dar sunt găsiți datorită prietenilor lor curioși.
Director: Geta Doina Tarnavschi.
Cast: Christian Orascu, Tudor Petrut, Alexandru Danila, Anca Marzareanu, Catalin Evoescu, Silviu Stanculescu, Ernest Maftei, Stefan Mihailescu-Braila, Iurie Darie.
Romania, 1976.
Language: Romanian.
Subtitles: Russian.
Download Misterul lui Herodot. 1976.
Misterul lui Herodot. 1976.
Misterul lui Herodot. 1976.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Reckless. 2013. FULL HD.

Reckless. 2013. FULL HD.
 Mads' parents are going away for the weekend. Reluctantly, his fifteen years old sister Sofie, takes him to the local city pool. Her task as a babysitter is turned upside down when she discovers two young boys in the pool. Her lust prevails. Later that day, the young boys show up at their house. Without hesitation, she puts her responsibility at risk when she invites them inside and consequences follow.
Director: Bjørn Erik Pihlmann Sørensen.
Cast: Emilie K. Beck, Silje Hagrim Dahl, Fredrik M. Frafjord, Marcus Rix, Thomas Stene-Johansen, Anneke von der Lippe, Fanny Kirkenaer.
Norway, 2013.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Reckless. 2013. HD.

1920x1080 FULL HD
Download Reckless. 2013. FULL HD.
Reckless. 2013. FULL HD.
Reckless. 2013. FULL HD.

Friday, April 3, 2020

La chair et les volcans / La carne y los volcanes. 2014. HD.

La chair et les volcans / La carne y los volcanes. 2014. HD.
 FR. Laura vit seule avec son père dans un petit village d'Auvergne. À quatorze ans, la jeune adolescente fait face aux contraintes du quotidien et trace son chemin à l'aide de ses propres refuges.
EN. Laura, a young teenager, lives alone with his father in a little village in Auvergne (France). At 14, she faces the daily constraints and makes her way thanks to her own refuges.
Director: Clémence Demesme.
Cast: Marianne Pouységur, Uranie Gauillard, Charles Pouységur, Manuel Husson, Frédéric Brun, Éric Chantelauze, Jean François Césarini.
France, 2014.
Language: French.
1920x1080 HD
Download La chair et les volcans / La carne y los volcanes. 2014.
La chair et les volcans / La carne y los volcanes. 2014. HD.
La chair et les volcans / La carne y los volcanes. 2014. HD.