The 99 Best Movies

Forum Cinema Paradiso


Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.

Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.
 DK. Dansk børneserie fra 1969. Alberte flytter hjemmefra, da hendes forældre altid er sure. Og hun vil også hellere hedde Kurt. Rebelsk fortælling af Thomas Winding med datteren Alberte i hovedrollen.
Alberte er 6 år... og 3 dage. Det er søndag og hendes mor og far sover længe, så Alberte skal være stille. Hun står op og vil spise morgenmad - franskbrødet er tørt, så hun beslutter sig for at bage et nyt brød. Mor kommer op og bliver sur over rodet i køkkenet. Alberte bliver vred, så hun beslutter sig for at flytte og vil hedde Kurt. Hun bygger hus på boden, der ligger ved badebroen. Hun får hjælp til byggeriet af damen i en båd, der måske er en tryllebåd. Mor og far savner hende og kommer tit på besøg - meget tit. Pludselig har de ikke så travlt mere, er ikke sure og vil gerne lege.
EN. The movie narrates the story of 6-year-old Alberte who decides to leave her parents, because they are always busy working or watching TV, and don’t have time to do fun things with her. She moves to the boat right outside her house, and decides that her new name is Kurt. She has always wanted to be a boy.
Director: Thomas Winding.
Cast: Gertie Jung, Mette Benthien, Alberte Winding, Thomas Winding, Olaf Nielsen, Lars von Trier.
Denmark, 1969.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969.
Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.
Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.

Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.
Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.

Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.
Farvel, jeg hedder Kurt. 1969. FULL-HD.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Geschwister. 1975. FULL-HD.

Geschwister. 1975. FULL-HD.
Geschwister ist ein im Auftrag des Fernsehens der DDR von der DEFA produzierter Fernsehfilm des Regisseurs Wolfgang Hübner aus dem Jahr 1975. Marijam Agischewa spielt die Hauptrolle in dieser Geschichte um Geschwister, die zueinanderfinden müssen. Für die zur Drehzeit 16-jährige stellt der Film ihr Debüt dar.
Die Geschichte beruht auf einem Buch von Gisela Richter-Rostalski.
Herbert und Hella sind beide allein erziehende Zugbegleiter. Sie heiraten und damit die Kinder sich zusammenfinden, schicken sie die drei Kinder in die Sommerferien an die Ostsee.
Director: Wolfgang Hübner.
Cast: Marijam Agischewa, Carola Braunbock, Hannelore Erle, Angelika Herrmann, Elli Jessen-Somann, Hans Klering, Ingeborg Krabbe, Reinhard Michalke, Stefan Naujokat, André Prange.
DDR, DEFA, 1975.
Language: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Geschwister. 1975.
Geschwister. 1975. FULL-HD.
Geschwister. 1975. FULL-HD.


Sunday, April 28, 2024

Les diables / The Devils. 2002. FULL-HD.

Les diables / The Devils. 2002. FULL-HD.
FR. Ils sont deux à fuguer sans arrêt, un garçon et une fille, frère et sœur. Deux enfants perdus, abandonnés à la naissance. Chloé ne parle pas, hors du monde, et ne supporte pas qu'on la touche. Elle dessine toujours la même maison. Elle marche aussi, droit devant elle, un drôle de sourire sur le visage, comme si ses pas la conduisaient vers un endroit précis.
Joseph lui organise les fugues, puis la suit, la protège, persuadé qu'elle veut retrouver la maison de leurs parents. Qu'elle en a le pouvoir. Et qu'une fois son but atteint, elle guérira. C'est son rêve à Joseph : avoir une maison à lui, une famille, une sœur avec qui il puisse communiquer et jouer... Une sœur qui lui rende un peu de l'amour insensé qu'il a pour elle.
EN. Les Diables (The Devils) is a 2002 French drama film from director Christophe Ruggia starring Adèle Haenel and Vincent Rottiers.
The siblings Joseph and Chloé are 12 and have just been placed on another children's home. For years they were on the same or separate homes or on the run together. Chloé is an autist. She does not talk, feels panic when touched, and eats only when told so. Joseph dearly loves her and firmly thinks she needs him. The child psychiatrist agrees that he has a very positive influence. Joseph dreams that Chloé will recover if they find their parents. The psychiatrist finds the mother. But she is also an autist. When the children were one year old she left them on the street just from an impulse. This is the first crack of Joseph's dream. The children escape from this home. When they are caught next time Chloé is send to a mental hospital. The same thing is about to happen to Joseph after a suicidal attempt in the police arrest. Because of his friendship with the gang leader lots of children liberate him on the way. With much violence they also liberate Chloé. Eventually Joseph will have...
Director: Christophe Ruggia.
Cast: Adèle Haenel, Vincent Rottiers, Rochdy Labidi, Jacques Bonnaffé, Aurélia Petit, Galamelah Lagra, Dominique Reymond, Frédéric Pierrot, Danielle Ambry, Azouz Begag, Omar Bekhaled, Laurence Cormerais, Khereddine Ennasri .
France, Spain, 2002.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Les diables / The Devils. 2002.
Les diables / The Devils. 2002. FULL-HD.
Les diables / The Devils. 2002. FULL-HD.


Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper / Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface. 1980. DVD.

Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper / Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface. 1980. DVD.
 DK. Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper er en dansk film fra 1980. instrueret af Gert Fredholm. Manuskriptet er skrevet af Hans Hansen, Peter Høimark og Gert Fredholm efter en roman af Ole Lund Kirkegaard.
Filmen er en blanding af historierne; "Lille Virgil" og "Orla Frøsnapper"
Børnefilm om drengen Lille Virgil (Bror Bødtker-Næss), der bor alene i et hønsehus, med sin etbenet hane Sigurd, som vækker ham hver morgen. Sammen med sin trofaste ven Oskar (Christian Honoré) oplever han spændende ting, blandt landsbyens særprægede beboere. Drengenes største problem er dog Orla Frøsnapper (Allan Olsen), som er byens værste bølle, og som kan tabe sine bukser af bare skræk. En dag, Lille Virgil kommer forbi et omrejsende cirkus, bliver han tilbudt at pudse en kanon for at tjene til en cirkusbillet. Men imens dukker Orla Frøsnapper op, for at få fat i Lille Virgil. For at Orla Frøsnapper, ikke skal blive opdaget af kanonkongens ejermand, får Lille Virgil en god idé, som kommer Orla Frøsnapper til ære…
EN. Lille Virgil, 8 years old, lives by himself and his own rules, in a shed he has adapted himself. He spends his time looking after his chicken, helping village people, after a fashion, going to school (when they're not suspended), and grifting for what he needs. He and his best friend have a hairy old time with their exploits, including dodging Orla, the local ne'er do-well, and setting him up to get caught.
A magical journey into the heart of a child. It flows great in a happy mood all the way; not very much action and all these things movies have to content today. Still, for a kid, the antagonist, Orla Frogeater, is intimidating and scary at times. As is the dragon - is it real?
Director: Gert Fredholm.
Cast: Bror Bødtker-Næss, Allan Olsen, Christian Honoré, Katinka Bødtker-Næss, Karl Stegger, Elin Reimer, Peter Schrøder, Inger Hovman, Gotha Andersen, Arthur Jensen, Poul Nesgaard, Jess Ingerslev, Claus Nissen.
Denmark, 1980.
Language: Danish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Danish, Russian.
Download DVD Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper / Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface. 1980.
Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper / Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface. 1980. DVD.
Lille Virgil og Orla Frøsnapper / Little Virgil and Freddy Frogface. 1980. DVD.

Friday, April 26, 2024

It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.

It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
It Felt Like Love is a 2013 independent drama film, the first feature film directed by Eliza Hittman. Fourteen year old Lila envies the ease with which her best friend Chiara, on the cusp of her sixteenth birthday, deals with boys. Chiara has been sexually active, although she has only gone to third base with her current boyfriend, Patrick. With no experience whatsoever on the sexual front, Lila has no adult guidance with her mother having passed, and she and her father often being at odds with each other. Lila's primary exposure to sex or sexual foreplay is being the third wheel in Chiara and Patrick's outings. In her naivety, Lila believes that what she sees between Chiara and Patrick has the potential to last forever. Regardless of her total inexperience, Lila likes to portray herself as having at least gone to third base, she doing so by mimicking what she hears from Chiara and other sexually active teens. In her own mind, Lila wants to lose her virginity, despite, if she was honest with herself, being more closely emotionally mature to her twelve year old neighbor, Nate, than Chiara, Nate who would most likely be her confidante if she were to tell the truth about the issue of her sexuality. She believes the easiest candidate to be her first is Sammy, an older teen, who purportedly will sleep with anyone. As such, Lila begins to insert herself into Sammy's life, he who would not have even known who she was if she didn't do so.
Director: Eliza Hittman.
Cast: Gina Piersanti, Giovanna Salimeni, Ronen Rubinstein, Jesse Cordasco, Nick Rosen, Richie Folio, Case Prime, Kevin Anthony Ryan, Nugget, Sophia Jurewicz.
USA, 2013.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download It Felt Like Love. 2013.
It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.
It Felt Like Love. 2013. HD.

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.
A documentary film about the first acquaintance of babies with swimming - a sport for body and soul, an almost universal means of raising strong, healthy and tempered children. We invite you to watch the future champions.
Director: Andrey Dobrovolsky.
USSR, TO Ekran, 1976.
Language: Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD

Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.
Kak ryba v vode / Like a fish in water. 1976. FULL-HD.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.

Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.
 CZ. Pozoruhodný pokus načrtnout věrohodný portrét nacistického důstojníka, velitele koncentračního tábora, se dotýká protikladných stránek jeho osobnosti - na jedné straně starostlivý, pečující o rodinné blaho, na druhé straně bezcitný nacista, uplatňující bez zábran vyhlazovací politiku. Právě tento člověk, podmanivě ztvárněn Olegem Tabakovem, se ujme třináctileté Emilky z Moravy určené na převýchovu; jejíma očima se pak díváme na vnucenou rodinu, na složité utváření vztahů k člověku, jenž se k ní snaží chovat laskavě. Děvčátko prochází bolestným poznáváním pravé skutečnosti. Během svého pobytu v Německu se snaží nezapomenout na svůj skutečný domov a věří, že se ještě jednou ve svém životě setká se svou maminkou a vrátí se...
EN. Set in the war, a little girl from Lidice is saved by her 'Nordic' appearance and sent to a German family to be re-educated there.
Director: Antonín Moskalyk.
Cast: Miroslava Součková, Oleg Tabakov, Alicja Jachiewicz, Vilém Besser, Míla Myslíková, Jana Andresíková, Věra Vlčková, Karel Bělohradský, Pavel Trávníček, Alena Karešová, Zdeněk Martínek, Lena Birková, Vlasta Peterková, Jaroslava Tichá, Rafał Wieczyński, Andrzej Bielski, Adolf Filip, Joachim Lamża, Irena Laskowska, David Ployhar, Adam Baumann, Sylwester Maciejewski, Ferdynand Matysik, Mieczysław Janowski, Henryk Hunko
Czechoslovakia, Poland, 1986.
Language: Czech, German, Polish.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986.
Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.
Kukačka v temném lese / Cuckoo in a Dark Forest. 1986. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.

L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.
 IT. Turi e Teresa sono figli di un pescatore che vive e lavora in un'isola siciliana. La loro e una vita semplice e pacifica, fatta di abitudini e fatiche quotidiane: accudire la nonna, pescare, gestire il bar al centro del paese.
Ma Turi, ormai, e quasi un uomo e deve iniziare ad uscire in mare con il padre.
Questo fatto finira con il rivoluzionare per sempre i rapporti tra fratello e sorella.
Lungometraggio d'esordio di Costanza Quatriglio, trentenne palermitana la quale non dimentica le sue origini documentaristiche e le innerva con una narrazione che sembra rimandare al cinema di matrice iraniana. La trama e molto esile e il film e legato a un lavoro di ricerca di sguardi e relazioni con la scabra struttura dell'isola di Favignana. Il montaggio, perfettamente sintonizzato con la colonna sonora musicale di Paolo Fresu, prova a fornire compattezza a un'opera prima che, pur con qualche intellettualismo di troppo (vedi la presunzione di poter pensare di fare a meno di una struttura narrativa solida), lascia ben sperare per il futuro.
EN. A coming of age story of a boy, Turi (Ernandes) and his younger sister, Teresa (Guarrasi) on an island off the coast of Sicily. Using mostly non professional actors in a neorealist style, this film creates a charming and seemingly authentic slice of village life.
The slow naturalistic pace, beautiful photography, a sense of the local customs & values, and a captivating performance by Veronica Guarrasi as Teresa make this well worth seeing. The director seem to have captured the end of childhood and the start of adolescence.
Director: Costanza Quatriglio.
Cast: Veronica Guarrasi, Ignacio Ernandes, Marcello Mazzarella, Erri De Luca, Anna Ernandes, Francesco Vasile, Ilary De Ioannon, Anna Rita Mazzara, Antonio Burdua, Maurizio Guarrasi, Salvatore Campo.
Italy, 2003.
Language: Italian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
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3 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.
L'isola / The Island. 2003. FULL-HD.

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.

Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.
 NO. Fjernsynsteatret viser "Laurdagskveld". Etter ei novelle av Tarjei Vesaas, i samlinga "Vindane". To barn bur på ein liten gard saman med far og mor. Dei ventar utolsame på at laurdagskvelden skal begynne. Kvelden med all sin fine dåm er i huset, men for dei vaksne er alt blitt meiningslaust kav. Far kjem heim, trøyt og sliten. Og mor dryer. Enno er det mykje arbeid att å gjera på gården. Dei strir for hardt og einsamt. Slitet sit djupt i kroppen. Dei har ikkje tid til kvarandre. Laurdagskvelden er mest øydelag, men foreldra freistar å dekke over og skape hygge for familien. Det er barna som veit og som til tider løyser dei ut av den vonde floken.
EN. Short story about a couple living on the farm who are trying their best to keep the family grief from their two daughters.
Director: Eli Ryg.
Cast: Ane Hoel, Finn Kvalem, Gro Ofte, Anne Skinnarland.
Norway, 1976.
Language: Norwegian.
1280x720 HD
Download Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976.
Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.
Laurdagskveld / Saturday Evening. 1976. HD.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.

Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.
ES. Helena es una niña de nueve años con autismo. Gioconda y Eduardo, sus padres, angustiados por el futuro de su hija y en busca de respuestas, emprenden una conmovedora exploración al universo del autismo, partiendo de filmaciones a niños autistas realizadas a finales de los años 70 y principios de los 80, realizados por la doctora Lilia Negrón.
EN. Helena is a nine years old autistic girl. Her parents make a trip starting from super 8 films about autistic children made in the 70's. This documentary is an emotional exploration into autism universe.
Director: Eduardo Viloria Daboin.
Writers: Ariadna Alzuru Mogollon, Angel Sorkin, Eduardo Viloria Daboin.
Cast: Helena Alicia Mota, Giovanni Izarra, Lilian Gómez.
Venezuela, 2013.
Language: Spanish.
1280x720 HD
Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.
Hay alguien allí. 2013. HD.

Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.

Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.
 Show Me Love (Swedish: Fucking Åmål) is a 1998 Swedish romantic comedy-drama film written and directed by Lukas Moodysson in his feature-length directorial debut. It stars Rebecka Liljeberg and Alexandra Dahlström as two seemingly disparate teenage girls who begin a tentative romantic relationship. The film was released theatrically in Sweden on 23 October 1998, and first premiered internationally at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival.
Åmål is a small insignificant town where nothing ever happens, where the latest trends are out of date when they get there. Young Elin has a bit of a bad reputation when it comes to guys, but the fact is that she is inexperienced in that matter. Another girl in her school, Agnes, is in love with her but is too shy to do anything about it. For a number of reasons, Elin ends up at Agnes' birthday party as the only guest. They have a girl's night out together but after that Elin desperately avoids Agnes, refusing to even consider her own feelings toward Agnes.
In several countries, this film included in the official lists of works recommended to view schoolchildren.
Director: Lukas Moodysson.
Cast: Alexandra Dahlström, Rebecka Liljeberg, Erica Carlson, Mathias Rust, Stefan Hörberg, Josefine Nyberg, Ralph Carlsson, Maria Hedborg, Axel Widegren, Jill Ung, Lisa Skagerstam, Lina Svantesson, Jessica Melkersson, Elinor Johansson.
Sweden, Denmark, 1998.
Language: Swedish.
Subtitles: English, Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998.
Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.
Fucking Åmål / Show Me Love. 1998. FULL-HD.


Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.

Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.
 Three documentaries about nomadic family thattraveling the world constantly for many years now, staying with remote and traditional living indigenous people.
1. Solomon Islands. Remote Kwaio Tribes. 2019.
The Kwaio are one of the very last melanesian tribes holding on to their traditions. Some groups still remain in the hidden, as they call it, and live according to Kastom -their indigenous culture-, rejecting church and modern life.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
2. Vanuatu. Kastom village in Melanesia. 2017.
Kastom is a pidgin word (Bislama/Tok Pisin) used to refer to traditional culture, including religion, economics, art and magic in Melanesia.
The term is the generally accepted term in anthropology to describe such phenomena as well as the common and lay term used in everyday language.
3. Indonesia. Remote Tribes in West Papua. 2018.
Language: German.
Subtitles: German.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019.
Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.
Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.

Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.
Remote Tribes in Oceania. 2017-2019. FULL-HD.


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.

Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.
BG. Осемгодишният Алек живее с майка си. Той чувства, че след развода с баща му в нейния живот се е образувала празнота. Алек решава да ѝ помогне, като ѝ намери подходящ съпруг. Неговият избор пада върху един спортист. След това се спира на симпатичен шофьор на автобус, но и двамата се оказват неподходящи. Тогава случайността го среща с чичо Чони, когото харесва от пръв поглед. Детето се чуди какво да направи, за да срещне майка си с този човек. Алек мисли, че след това запознанство ще престанат срещите ѝ с чичо Минчо, който му е несимпатичен. Но всички планове на Алек пропадат. Постепенно той започва да разбира, че няма право да решава съдбата на майка си и тя сама ще избере този, с когото иска да живее.
EN. 8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none of them seem to be good enough for her. Then he runs into Chony, who immediately feels as the perfect fit for mum. Alek has to figure out how to make the two of them meet and at the same time divert mum's attention from uncle Mincho. All of his plans eventually fail but Alek comes to realize that he should not meddle with his mother's personal life and let her choose for herself.
Director: Mariana Evstatieva-Biolcheva.
Cast: Veselin Prahov, Mario Petrov, Ognyan Simeonov, Tsvetana Maneva, Bogdan Glyshaw, Emil Markov, Paul Poppadom, Emilia Grueva, Alexander Kotsev, Hristo Totev, Emil Dzhurov, Alexander Dimitrov.
Bulgaria, 1985.
Language: Bulgarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985.
Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.
Търси се съпруг за мама / Tarsi se saprug za mama / A Husband for Mum. 1985. FULL-HD.


Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.

Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.
It is summer in the 1980s, and ten-year-old Sara's whole world is her front yard and the park at the end of the street. With her parents consumed in domestic battles, Sara experiences life uncensored. She glimpses sex, both gorgeous and awful, and broken hearts, one of them, her own. When Sara's idea of fun gets her forbidden from everyone her own age, Sara finds her way into the lives of two older boys; boys who, like Sara, are ill-fitting neighborhood legends.
Director: Megan Martin.
Cast: Samantha Weinstein, Tommy Lioutas, Richard Banel, Kristin Adams, Tom Barnett, Mallory Mahoney, Andy Marshall, Todd Schroeder, Evan Gilchrist.
Canada, 2006.
Language: English.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006.
Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.
Ninth Street Chronicles. 2006. HD.


Suspect. 2005. DVD.

Suspect. 2005. DVD.
Teacher Rob Dekoster is a good man, albeit a bit too frivolous and liberal with funds the local arts center's interim director. His wife Nelle, who sometimes abuses drugs, spoils his ingrate teenage stepdaughter Sandy, who is kind only to her sweet, mentally handicapped brother, Jimmy Vandevyver. After a class on sexual abuse from feminist teacher Lydia De Beule, Sandy pretends Rob abused her. Lydia, Rob's ex, eagerly helps her fabricate 'proof', which a female police commissioner eagerly believes. A frustrated judge (and father) shamelessly ignores the legal benefit of the doubt, even tricks Rob while in jail. Nelle discovers more then one sick truth.
Directors: Ivan Boeckmans, Guy Lee Thys.
Cast: Gene Bervoets, Karlijn Sileghem, Elias Mentzel, Ellen Ten Damme, Zoë De Roovere, Joke Devynck, Frank Focketyn, Gert Portael, Rudolph Segers, Karen Van Malderen, Alain Van Goethem.
Belgium, 2005.
Language: Dutch.
 Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Suspect. 2005:
2 parts archive:

Suspect. 2005. DVD.
Suspect. 2005. DVD.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.

Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.
 Letní filmový příběh vypráví o klukovském fanfaronství a rivalitě, která dá vzniknout přátelství. Příběh je zasazený do jihočeské vesnice, kam přijíždí Petr na prázdniny s rodiči. Petrův otec jezdí závodně rallye, a tak je i pro chlapce svět motorů vším. Hned první den se Petr střetne s Pavlem, synem správce státního statku, kde chovají koně. A jejich rivalita vrcholí nerovným, ale napínavým závodem auto versus kůň.
Director: Miloš Bobek.
Cast: Ivan Vyskočil, Jiří Kvasnička, Marcela Nohýnková, Karel Houska, Jan Kotva, Jan Kreidl, Marek Mikuláš, Bohumil Vávra, Tomáš Jánský.
Czechoslovakia, Československá televize Praha, 1986.
Language: Czech.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986.
Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.
Devadesát jedna bílých koní. 1986. FULL-HD.


Friday, April 12, 2024

Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.

Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.
Un indien dans la ville (An Indian in the city) is a 1994 French film by Hervé Palud. The film had a limited English language release under the title Little Indian, Big City.
Part of the movie was shot in Miami, Florida, United States.
It was later adapted for an American audience under the title Jungle 2 Jungle, set in Manhattan and starring Tim Allen and Martin Short. A tie in game for the Game Boy was released only in France.
  The Parisian broker Steph only needs the signature from his wife Patricia for their divorce - but she left 13 years ago for living with Amazonas indians. Steph finds her in the village and gets stuck for two days, where he learns that he has got a son, who grew up as an indian. Meanwhile he fails to confirm a soy bean transaction and promises his son Mimi-Siku to show him Paris as soon as he will become a man. However, this happens next day when the tribe celebrates the children's festival. So both fly back to Paris, where Steph and his partner Richard try to limit their losses by selling the beans to the Russian mafia, and Mimi-Siku discovers the city with bare feet. He climbes the Eiffel tower and preferes to hunt doves with bow-and-arrow instead of eating cornflakes. Steph moves his son to the family of his partner, where Mimi-Siku falls actively in love with Richard's daughter Sophie. Discovered, Sophie is set to be sent into a boarding school, and therefore rescued by Mimi-Siku, while the mafia has discovered the dropped bean price and is threatening and claiming their money back. Both operations are entangled, and finally they get the money, and Mimi-Siku is sent back to the tribe. But, of course, this is not the end...
Director: Hervé Palud.
Cast: Thierry Lhermitte, Ludwig Briand, Patrick Timsit, Miou-Miou, Arielle Dombasle, Tolsty, Sonia Vollereaux, Jackie Berroyer, Marc de Jonge, Dominique Besnehard, Marie-Charlotte Leclaire, Katja Weitzenböck.
France, 1994.
Language: French, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994:
2 parts archive:
Part 1
Part 2
Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.
 Un indien dans la ville / An Indian in Paris. 1994. HD.


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979. FULL-HD.

Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979. FULL-HD.
NL. Een vrouw als Eva is een Nederlandse speelfilm uit 1979 onder regie van Nouchka van Brakel.
Het verhaal gaat over de huisvrouw Eefje, die getrouwd is met Ad en in een flat woont, samen met hun twee kinderen Sander en Britta. Eva is niet gelukkig met haar bestaan van huishouden, kinderen opvoeden en voor haar man zorgen. Na een uitbarsting bij haar moeder thuis op moederdag verrassen Ad en buurvrouw Sonja haar met een trip naar Zuid-Frankrijk. Als de beide vrouwen daar naar het strand gaan, ontmoet Eefje tijdens een zwempartijtje de Franse Liliane. Ze blijkt een lesbische vrouw, die met nog een aantal anderen in de commune La Corbeille woont. Eefje en Sonja gaan er kijken. Sonja vindt het niks, Eefje wordt aangetrokken door de eenvoudige leefstijl van de bewoners, en niet in de laatste plaats door Liliane, die haar Eva noemt, en haar omringt met aandacht. Eenmaal weer thuis kan Eva Liliane niet vergeten, en als Liliane vanwege een vrouwenfestival naar Nederland komt, besluit ze haar weer op te zoeken. Eva's gevoelens raken verward: wil ze verder met Liliane, of toch bij haar man blijven? Ze besluit voor het eerste te kiezen en Liliane achterna te reizen naar de commune Frankrijk. Na de scheiding van Ad worden de kinderen in eerste instantie aan haar toegewezen. Ad bouwt intussen een relatie op met buurvrouw Sonja.
Toch niet in harmonie met de hele situatie wordt Eva in Frankrijk steeds ongelukkiger. Terug in Nederland huurt ze een woonboot waar ook de kinderen bij haar zijn en waar ze Liliane kan ontvangen. Tijdens de voortslepende rechtszaak over hun echtscheiding worden de kinderen uiteindelijk bij Ad geplaatst, ook omdat die inmiddels met Sonja in ondertrouw is gegaan. Volgens zijn advocaat kunnen zo twee onvolledige gezinnen weer één gezin vormen. Eva is nu alleen, ze kan dus in principe doen wat ze wil. Liliane laat de keus helemaal van Eva afhangen. Ze besluit haar grote liefde te volgen. Eenmaal op het station blijft Eva op het perron een tijdlang staan. Stapt ze op de trein naar een nieuw leven? In de slotscène zien we de trein wegrijden waarna Eva zich omdraait en het perron afloopt.
EN. A Woman Like Eve (Dutch: Een vrouw als Eva) is a 1979 Dutch drama film about a woman who leaves her husband for another woman. The film was directed by Nouchka van Brakel; Monique van de Ven stars in the title role of Eve, with Peter Faber as her husband Ad and Maria Schneider as Liliane, who becomes Eve's lover. The plot focusses on the child custody battle that ensues after Eve leaves her husband.
The film had festival showings at FILMEX: Los Angeles International Film Exposition (Contemporary Cinema) (1980); San Francisco International Gay Film Festival (1981), and Gay & Lesbian Media Coalition's "Out on the Screen" Festival (1992). The film was selected as the Dutch entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 52nd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
Director: Nouchka van Brakel.
Cast: Monique van de Ven, Maria Schneider, Marijke Merckens, Peter Faber, Renee Soutendijk, Anna Knaup, Mike Bendig, Truus Dekker, Helen van Meurs, Ben Hulsman, Karin Meerman, Elsje Scherjon.
Netherlands, 1979.
Language: Dutch, English, French.
1920x1080 FULL-HD

Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979. FULL-HD.
Een vrouw als Eva / A Woman Like Eve. 1979. FULL-HD.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Ponette. 1996. HD.

Ponette. 1996. HD.
 Ponette is a 1996 French film directed by Jacques Doillon. The film centers on four-year-old Ponette (Victoire Thivisol), who is coming to terms with the death of her mother in a car crash.
The film received acclaim for Thivisol's performance, who was only four at the time of filming.
An extremely captivating movie on how a little girl copes with her mother's death. She withdraws from all the people around her, waiting for her mother to come back. She tries waiting, and when her mother still doesn't appear, tries magic chants, praying to God, and then becoming a child of God, to have some power over Him. All to no avail. But then, when she is in despair, her mother does come back...
Director: Jacques Doillon.
Cast: Victoire Thivisol, Delphine Schiltz, Matiaz Bureau Caton, Léopoldine Serre, Marie Trintignant, Xavier Beauvois, Claire Nebout, Aurélie Vérillon, Henri Berthon, Carla Ibled.
France, 1996.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1536x864 HD
Download Ponette. 1996.
Ponette. 1996. HD.
Ponette. 1996. HD.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984. FULL-HD.

Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984. FULL-HD.
 PT. Mauro, jovem engenheiro ferroviário e muito bem casado com a linda Kátia vive em completa harmonia junto de seu sogro, o irmão de Kátia, Beto, Adriana esposa de Paulo e Kika a namorada de Beto. Num dos passeios da família ao terminal ferroviário, Mauro sofre violenta queda e fica em coma. Levado às pressas para o hospital, se restabelece porém pela gravidade do ferimento interno, torna-se definitivamente impotente. Mauro incorfomado pela nova situação passa o tempo todo embriagado, passando a ser um peso morto para a família e principalmente para a sua jovem esposa. A família passa todos os fins de semana numa chácara às margens de uma represa e ali, dão vazão a toda a sorte de libidinagem. A empregada Nora passa a ter relações sexuais com Sérgio, o sogro, agora o suposto chefe da família. Adriana além de ter relações com o próprio sogro, tem também com Nora e Beto, que por sua vez transa também com Adriana, sua cunhada. Claudinha vem a conhecer Marcos. Um jovem topógrafo, e com ele inicia um romance, relacionando-se sexualmente com ele. Kátia que já experimentara tudo, descobre nova maneira num ancoradouro de barcos. Meninos pescando todos os dias. Ganha a amizade deles e passa a ter relações sexuais com todos. Espalhando-se o fato, a garotada faz fila para transar com ela. A família não suporta mais a situação, e Mauro sempre semi bêbado diverte-se com tudo. Chefiada pelo sogro, a família arma um plano para eliminar Mauro na ferrovia, simulando um acidente. Todos concordam, pois assim haveria total liberdade, incluindo a posse de sua fortuna. Aguardam uma oportunidade. Tudo se precipita quando Mauro percebe o que está acontecendo entre sua mulher e os garotos. Então num acesso de fúria tenta matá-la, no que é impedido por sua família. Levam-no até o terminal ferroviário e o prendem dentro de um vagão. Através de choques elétricos, pretendem incendiar o trem e assim matá-lo fazendo com que pareça um acidente. Marcos o solta e, Mauro transtornado e completamente louco, faz virar o feitiço contra o feiticeiro. Prende Marcos num determinado lugar e fecha toda a família dentro de um dos vagões. Aplica choques de alta voltagem no mesmo e vai eliminando um a um, terminando por atear fogo em toda a família.
EN. Tired of a lengthy husband, a woman decides to seek out new adventures alongside boys. While she has fun with her "brats", his family gives rise to all sorts of libidinous practices.
Director: Fauzi Mansur.
Cast: Sérgio Hingst, Ênio Gonçalves, Cristina Martinez, Daliléia Ayala, Livi Bianco, José Lucas, Rubens Pignatari, André Loureiro, Mara Carmem, Rita Marta , Marthus Mathias, Malcolm Carlos Costa, Fauzi Mansur, Fábio Alves Pinto.
Brazil, 1984.
Language: Portuguese.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984.
Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984. FULL-HD.
Promiscuidade, os Pivetes de Kátia. 1984. FULL-HD.


Saturday, April 6, 2024

Das doppelte Lottchen / Two Times Lotte. 1950. HD.

Das doppelte Lottchen / Two Times Lotte. 1950. HD.
Two Times Lotte (German: Das doppelte Lottchen) is a 1950 West German film, directed by Josef von Báky and starring Antje Weisgerber, Peter Mosbacher, Isa, and Jutta Günther. It was made by Bavaria Film at the Emelka Studios near Munich, and its sets were designed by the art directors Robert Herlth and Willy Schatz.
Based on the 1949 children's novel of the same name by Erich Kästner, who had also provided the screenplay and narration, Two Times Lotte is a faithful adaptation of the book compared to Disney's better known version released eleven years later.
As with the novel, the film follows the story of Luise Palfy and Lotte Körner, identical twin girls who were separated at two-and-a-half-years-old when their parents, Ludwig Palfy and Luiselotte Körner, divorced and split them up. Reuniting at a German all-girls' summer camp six-and-a-half years later, the two sisters switch places to be with the parents they were parted from.
Director: Josef von Báky.
Cast: Antje Weisgerber, Peter Mosbacher, Jutta Günther, Isa Günther, Senta Wengraf, Hans Olden, Auguste Pünkösdy, Maria Krahn, Gustav Waldau, Liesl Karlstadt, Gerda Sommerschuh.
West Germany, 1950.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Das doppelte Lottchen / Two Times Lotte. 1950.
Das doppelte Lottchen / Two Times Lotte. 1950. HD.
Das doppelte Lottchen / Two Times Lotte. 1950. HD.


Friday, April 5, 2024

Noce blanche / White Wedding. 1989. FULL-HD.

Noce blanche / White Wedding. 1989. FULL-HD.
 FR. Mathilde Tessier, une adolescente, tombe amoureuse de son professeur de philosophie, celui-ci possédant femme et maison charmante. Dans un premier temps, il répond à l'amour de son élève, mais cette passion, troublant l'harmonie de sa vie, va vite le déranger.
EN. Noce Blanche (White Wedding) is a French drama film released in 1989, directed and written by Jean-Claude Brisseau, starring Bruno Cremer and Vanessa Paradis.
A teacher of philosophy encounters a complicated pupil; a seventeen year old girl who possesses quite a cynical view of the world. He attempts to help her focus on her studies, but soon becomes fascinated by her. They fall passionately in love. When the teacher is forced to choose between her and his Wife, complications ensue when the Girl refuses to accept his decision.
Director: Jean-Claude Brisseau.
Cast: Vanessa Paradis, Bruno Cremer, Ludmila Mikaël, François Négret, Jean Dasté, Véronique Silver, Philippe Tuin, Pierre Gabaston, Arnaud Goujon, Agnès Lemercier, Benoît Muracciole.
France, 1989.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Noce Blanche / White Wedding. 1989.
Noce blanche / White Wedding. 1989. FULL-HD.
Noce blanche / White Wedding. 1989. FULL-HD.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

愛のコリーダ / Ai no corrida / In The Realm Of The Senses. 1976. FULL-HD.

愛のコリーダ / Ai no corrida / In The Realm Of The Senses. 1976. FULL-HD.
 JP. 『愛のコリーダ』 (あいのコリーダ、仏語 L'Empire des sens、英語 In the Realm of the Senses)は、1976年公開の日本・フランス合作映画。大島渚監督、藤竜也、松田暎子主演。
制作プロダクションのノートによると、『本作は日本初のハードコア・ポルノとしてセンセーショナルな風評を呼んだ』としている。題名の「コリーダ」はスペイン語で闘牛を意味する「Corrida de toros」からとっている。フランス語の題名 L'Empire des sens (官能の帝国)は、ロラン・バルトによる日本文化論 L'Empire des signes (邦題 『表徴の帝国』)にちなむ。
昭和史に残る「阿部定事件」を題材に、男女の愛欲の極限を描く。作品内容は神代辰巳監督の 『四畳半襖の裏張り』 (1973年)に大きな影響を受けており、大島自身も制作に当たって一番参考にした作品であることを認めている。
EN. In the Realm of the Senses (French: L'Empire des sens, Japanese: 愛のコリーダ, Ai no korīda) is a 1976 French-Japanese art film written and directed by Nagisa Oshima. It is a fictionalised and sexually explicit treatment of an incident from 1930s Japan, that of Sada Abe. It generated great controversy during its release; while intended for mainstream wide release, it contains scenes of unsimulated sexual activity between the actors (Tatsuya Fuji and Eiko Matsuda, among others).
In 1936 Tokyo, Sada Abe (Eiko Matsuda) is a former prostitute who now works as a maid in a hotel. The hotel's owner, Kichizo Ishida (Tatsuya Fuji), molests her, and the two begin an intense affair that consists of sexual experiments and various self-indulgences. Ishida leaves his wife to pursue his affair with Sada. Sada becomes increasingly possessive and jealous of Ishida, and Ishida more eager to please her. Their mutual obsession escalates to the point where Ishida finds she is most excited by strangling him during lovemaking, and he is killed in this fashion. Sada then severs his penis. While she is shown next to him naked, it is mentioned that she will walk around with his penis inside her for several days. Words written with blood can be read on his chest: "Sada Kichi the two of us forever".
Director: 大島渚 / Nagisa Oshima.
Cast: Tatsuya Fuji, Eiko Matsuda, Aoi Nakajima, Yasuko Matsui, Meika Seri, Kanae Kobayashi, Taiji Tonoyama, Kyôji Kokonoe, Naomi Shiraishi, Shinkichi Noda, Komikichi Hori, Kikuhei Matsunoya, Akiko Koyama, Yuriko Azuma, Rei Minami.
Japan, France, 1976.
Language: Japanese, English, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Uncensored version.
1792x1080 FULL-HD
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3 parts archive:


愛のコリーダ / Ai no corrida / In The Realm Of The Senses. 1976. FULL-HD.
愛のコリーダ / Ai no corrida / In The Realm Of The Senses. 1976. FULL-HD.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. FULL-HD.

கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. FULL-HD.
 TA. கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் 2002இல் வெளியான தமிழ்த் திரைப்படமாகும். இந்தத் திரைப்படம், இலங்கை இனப் பிரச்சனையை கதைக்கருவாகக் கொண்டிருந்தது. இது இந்திய இயக்குனர் மணிரத்னம் இயக்கத்தில் மாதவன் மற்றும் சிம்ரன் நடிப்பில் வெளிவந்த தமிழ் படம்.
எம்.டி.சியாமா (நந்திதா தாஸ்) இலங்கையில் தனது கணவனுடன் வசித்து வருகிறார். அப்போது போர் நடக்கும் எச்சரிக்கை வருகிறது. அப்போது அவர்கள் படகில் ஏற்றிவிடப்பட்டு ராமேஷ்வரம் செல்கிறார்கள். தனது கணவன் இலங்கை இராணுவத்திடம் மாட்டிக் கொண்டதால் தன்னுடன் தன் கணவனை அழைத்து செல்ல முடியாத அவள் தனியாக செல்கிறாள். ராமேஷ்வரத்தில் அகதிகள் முகாமில் அவளுக்கு பெண் குழந்தை பிறக்கிறது. அந்த பெண் குழந்தையை திருச்செல்வமும் (மாதவன்) இந்திராவும் (சிம்ரன்) தத்தெடுத்துக் கொள்கின்றனர். இக்குழந்தை உரிய வயதை எய்தியதும் பெற்றோர்கள் இவளிடம் தத்தெடுக்கப்பட்ட விபரத்தைக் கூற, இவள் பல விதமான உணர்ச்சித் தத்தளிப்புகளுக்கு ஆளாகிறாள். தன் பிறப்புத் தாயைக் காண இவள் பேரவா கொள்வதால், இவள் பெற்றோர் இவளை இலங்கைக்கு அழைத்துச் செல்கின்றனர். பெருமுயற்சிக்குப் பின் அவள் தாய் விடுதலைப்புலி போராளி என அறிந்து அவளைச் சந்திக்கின்றனர். தன் தாயை இவள் அமைதி நிலவும் தமிழகத்துக்கு அழைக்கின்றாள். தாய் மறுத்து விடுகின்றாள்.
EN. Kannathil Muthamittal (English: A Peck on the Cheek) is a 2002 Indian Tamil-language musical war drama film produced and directed by Mani Ratnam. It was based on a short story, "Amuthavum Avanum" by Sujatha Rangarajan.
Dhileepan and Shyama are Tamil-speaking residents of Mankulam, Sri Lanka, who get married with the blessings of their respective families. After the marriage, Shyama confides that she would like to be a mother of eight children, but she is stunned when her husband tells her that he cannot father any children until there is peace between the mainstream and the Tamils in this country. Nevertheless, they do get intimate, which results in Shyama getting pregnant. Dhileepan goes into hiding because of his connections with the Tamil Tigers, while Shyama returns to her father's house. A storm threatens their village, and they are forced to flee to a Refugee Camp in Rameswaram, India. Alone, without any support, Shyama gives birth to a girl, leaves her, and returns to Sri Lanka to be with her husband. The child gets noticed by noted Tamil author Thiruchelvan, who lives with his sister, her husband, and their son and writes books under the pen-name of Indra, who is actually an attractive TV...
Director: Mani Ratnam.
Cast: Madhavan, Simran, Keerthana Parthiepan, Nandita Das, Prakash Raj, J.D. Chakravarthi, Delhi Kumar, Pasupathy, Bala Singh, M.S. Bhaskar, Sashikumar, Easwari Rao.
India, 2002.
Language: Tamil, Sinhalese, English.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002:
2 parts archive:

கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. FULL-HD.
கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. FULL-HD.

கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. FULL-HD.
கன்னத்தில் முத்தமிட்டால் / Kannathil Muthamittal / A Peck on the Cheek. 2002. FULL-HD.